First... Let me Thank you again for being here and for supporting this project!
If you know me, or just met me, you've probably gathered by now, how passionate I am about working with witnesses, being a voice and advocate for them, and creating their sketches. I know in my heart, that working with them makes a difference in their lives, because they tell me so...over and over again. Making a difference has been a desire my entire life, but I have to say... I had no idea I would ultimately end up working in this capacity!
But then again, there are times when we feel like our whole lives have lead us to something...
And that's exactly how I feel today.
The last blog post ended saying I'd share some of the weird things I have in my freezer with you so here's Specimen 1.
If you know me, or just met me, you've probably gathered by now, how passionate I am about working with witnesses, being a voice and advocate for them, and creating their sketches. I know in my heart, that working with them makes a difference in their lives, because they tell me so...over and over again. Making a difference has been a desire my entire life, but I have to say... I had no idea I would ultimately end up working in this capacity!
But then again, there are times when we feel like our whole lives have lead us to something...
And that's exactly how I feel today.
The last blog post ended saying I'd share some of the weird things I have in my freezer with you so here's Specimen 1.
It says, "Foot from Doe found in front of E.A.'s front door across the creek. Discovered at 3:30 pm, Friday, November 15, 2013.
Some back story...
I had received a report of a sighting to the south of me, less than a mile and a half away, in early May of 2013. We were aware that the "locals" had been seen down the road from me. One side was a lovely flowing creek, and the other was heavy woods. This new sighting had occurred on a creek over the hill from 'our' creek. It is an incredible story, that I will relate in another post.
As all researchers know, they use the creeks.
One day I stopped at a park in Crittenden to experience, "The Dixie Highway Yard Sale". I met a couple I instantly liked. We were chatting about art and things, we exchanged contact info, and when I discovered where they lived I felt like fate had intervened. They lived at the convergence of 'our creek, and the creek where the sighting had occurred just weeks earlier! It wasn't long before we began talking about research, and they started relating stories about all the strange events that had happened around the property. From the front door of their house, you could throw a rock right into the creek. It was that close.
A couple of weeks after I met them, the owner discovered a huge hand print on his shop door. Two months later a tree was pushed onto his son's truck.
Some back story...
I had received a report of a sighting to the south of me, less than a mile and a half away, in early May of 2013. We were aware that the "locals" had been seen down the road from me. One side was a lovely flowing creek, and the other was heavy woods. This new sighting had occurred on a creek over the hill from 'our' creek. It is an incredible story, that I will relate in another post.
As all researchers know, they use the creeks.
One day I stopped at a park in Crittenden to experience, "The Dixie Highway Yard Sale". I met a couple I instantly liked. We were chatting about art and things, we exchanged contact info, and when I discovered where they lived I felt like fate had intervened. They lived at the convergence of 'our creek, and the creek where the sighting had occurred just weeks earlier! It wasn't long before we began talking about research, and they started relating stories about all the strange events that had happened around the property. From the front door of their house, you could throw a rock right into the creek. It was that close.
A couple of weeks after I met them, the owner discovered a huge hand print on his shop door. Two months later a tree was pushed onto his son's truck.
Finding the doe carcass in mid November was a rare find. That doe was still warm when we came upon her. The owner's son left for work at 12:30. The doe was directly across the creek from their front door. He said it wasn't there when he left.
We could not determine exactly what killed the doe, or what happened to her fawn. But it was obvious that the dogs did not kill her and were not eating on her, as there was no blood on their muzzles, and there were no gunshot wounds on her either.
There has been a lot of activity at this location that I will share, footprints, brief class A, audio, and once while we were camping there... something tried to open the driver door of the Suburban someone was sleeping in.
Next blog is specimen 2... Birds of a feather....
There has been a lot of activity at this location that I will share, footprints, brief class A, audio, and once while we were camping there... something tried to open the driver door of the Suburban someone was sleeping in.
Next blog is specimen 2... Birds of a feather....