Welcome! And Thank you for visiting!
If you have witnessed a creature or being, and would like to talk to me about your encounter, or work with me to create an lifelike sketch of what you experienced...
I'm here for you. I know how seeing these things can shatter your reality, and it can be so difficult to find someone to talk to... You are not alone.
And know up-front, that I do not charge witnesses for sketches.
Please go to the 'About' tab, and find the Contact page and send me an email, And I will get back with you.
Warmest Regards, And God Bless...
If you have witnessed a creature or being, and would like to talk to me about your encounter, or work with me to create an lifelike sketch of what you experienced...
I'm here for you. I know how seeing these things can shatter your reality, and it can be so difficult to find someone to talk to... You are not alone.
And know up-front, that I do not charge witnesses for sketches.
Please go to the 'About' tab, and find the Contact page and send me an email, And I will get back with you.
Warmest Regards, And God Bless...
Click the button to visit the Spectrum News page!
New Episodes of Sketching Encounters!
Many Thanks to Chris from Legends Beware... Such an honor and pleasure to work with him!
Radio Visit with Clayton Trout this Friday, July 6, 2018!!!
A Link from 9 News in Denver: www.9news.com/mobile/article/news/local/next/stories-of-bigfoot-ufos-and-more-at-mile-high-mystery-conference/73-481399492
Speakers from the first "Mile High Mystery Conference.
Radio Show with Fletcher Long. "The Long Version" :
Other Radio Interviews:
On Darkness Radio with Tim Dennis:
Part One
Part Two
On the Vicki Travis Show:
thevickietravisshow.com/2016/04/sybilla-irwin-artist-and-big-foot-researcher/ |
Recent Witness Sketches:
Above: A witness sketch created working one-on-one with a witness of a Mothman in Point Pleasant, WV.
New Witness Sketch from 1970 in the Akron, Ohio area. This witness got a very close look.
Most Recent Witness Sketch from British Columbia... A Female was also seen... Sketch soon to follow.
Southern California 1971 Road Crossing