Are the 'Big Guys' still here? You bet. And is it very different from the research I was doing before I lived here? Yes and No. I'll explain.
I worked really hard at not bringing a high level of expectation to the site. I knew the original homeowner had long since moved away, and that the home had been vacant for over two years. But I had high hopes that the creatures were still around, and would eventually interact with me. I was not disappointed.... One of my teammates had a class A, less than a quarter mile away from the house while we were cleaning up and getting moved in.
I also recorded audio every night. And that's where the really interesting stuff was happening. It was obvious that something bipedal and large was making it's way through the property. It wasn't every night, maybe two to three times a week. But it was very compelling.
I will be sharing some of those early clips with you. I had been told by my good friends and researchers, Dennis and Shannon Pfohl, that 'The locals' rarely vocalized at this location... And that is true. But I did did capture some pretty interesting data.
Below are some images from the early days at the location.
It was obvious some of the structures had been there many years.