All of us need to be careful about what we post, whether it's Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or other digital places. Digital information lives beyond our memories of posting them, and they can be copied and pasted by anyone, on and on forever. Someone can put their own spin on it, and you're helpless to do much about it.
I hear about friends, researchers, and Facebook groups getting hacked, jacked and slammed by other people in 'Bigfoot' groups. I've had individuals post sarcastic, inappropriate comments on my personal page and I wonder: What is it about the internet and this subject that brings out the worst in people???
There is a larger issue though.... I have seen people posting sighting locations and details on Facebook. Some do it because they are new to the experience, and don't know better. Unfortunately we don't know who might be sharing our posts. If the location is your home, and you're prepared to defend it...that's one thing. If it's someone else's home or property, you could be creating an awful situation for them.
I know some people think it's safe to share things in 'closed groups'. But once it is on the web, you can not control who others share it with.
There are some individuals out there, with dangerous, single-minded intentions that can show up, night or day, at your home, or research area, wearing camo and carrying guns with the intent to hunt down and kill the Sasquatch in an effort to be the first to "Bring one in". If you think I'm being paranoid, and imaginative, I'm not. This has happened on more than one occasion that I know about.
Homes have been broken into, helicopters spotlighting into the fields, bribes, hit lists, and phone tapping. If all of this sounds like a bad movie... It is for the people who've experienced it.
Before posting information, it's a good idea to pause and ask:
Why am I putting this out there? What's my intention?
A. Does it add anything of significance or value, or support our knowledge base?
B. Am I revealing information that could be used for ill or cause harm to the people who live at or around the location, including the Sasquatch?
In this age of instant sharing.....Being vague might save you and others at a location a lot of trouble.
It can't hurt to be careful and cautious about what and who we share with.
Warmest regards my friends...
In this age of instant sharing.....Being vague might save you and others at a location a lot of trouble.
It can't hurt to be careful and cautious about what and who we share with.
Warmest regards my friends...