Are Questions More Important Than Answers?

I'm receiving a lot of emails asking me for answers, and wanting my opinion about some things that I have no idea how to answer. Mostly I tell them," I don't know". I am not an expert, and I'm not terribly attached to answers, or to my own opinion either. And here's why...
What is the true value in Answers anyway? Well let's look at that.
1. There's Probably not One, "Right" answer. Period.
This is not a 'one-size-fits-all universe'.
2. Your answer could be wrong. And/OR it could be wrong for someone else. The wrong supposition can send you wandering down the wrong trail. (Maybe for years). You're thinking you have 'the answer' and you dismissed anything that didn't support your answer, potentially letting go of some real important data.
3. Grasping for answers. Why do we do this? Why is it so important to feel like we know? Does it create insecurity? Does it bruise your ego? Seeking is good, grasping is not so good. It can lead to making false assumptions, and limiting your beliefs. Beliefs are like a double edged sword. They can be inspiring and helpful, but they can also be a brain prison.
4. Giving too much weight to others’ voices is another problem with answer-chasing. Leaning too heavily on others opinions can keep you from exploring your own experience and evidence. Let the evidence lead you to where it goes. Let it just be. We don't have to ascribe some kind of "Knowing" or meaning to it. We don't have to personify everything they do. We may never know why these beings do what they do. Let that be okay, embrace not knowing. It's okay, it doesn't make you less.
What's true is have an amazing mystery before us! Why not approach it in the spirit of curiosity which leads us into openness and expansion? I love this quote:
It may be truth and it may not. There is tremendous aliveness and freedom in this, and in not having to be right.
Yes, I believe questions are more important than answers.
It's the questions that keep us moving forward into the unknown, into the mystery--Which is where aliveness resides. It is where our hearts long to go...It is indeed... Where the good stuff we seek, is to be found.
With love and a gabillion questions,